Monday 14 May 2012

Inlay Applique Chapter 10

Counterchange Sample 2
Felt squares

I started with 4, 71/2cm squares of felt which I decorated by bonding threads, fibres, braids and ribbon. I then drew my design and cut out the pieces to use as a pattern. I wanted to use a shape with curves but this made the use of wider insertion stitches impossible.


Segments swapped over

I used a large cross stitch and a fine perle cotton to reattatch the outer layer. Second
was a plain antique insertion stitch in a medium perle. Next came a laced insertion stitch with metallic thread and finally, in the centre, a further round of antique insertion in a medium perle.
The 'fit' with this technique is obviously all important but I found the felt has a certain amount of play. I'm still not totally happy with the Wonderweb I'm using and dont like the residue it seems to leave. I am looking for a subtler alternative -any suggestions?

Counter-interchange Sample 3
Estoile based pattern 
I decided to go for a purple/gold combo for this sample and chose a design I'd developed from my estoile motif in the cut and fold exercises. I found it really useful to go back to my counter/interchange paper exercise too. I chose a simple curved rhombus motif for my
supplementary shape.
I chose my hand dyed and overprinted cotton and 2 gold shades of organza for my fabrics and bonded them in varying combinations to a felt backing. Each square is 7.5cm.

Pieces swapped around
The outer edge of each new shape was outlined with running stitch using stranded
cotton, while the middle rhombus were attached with a simple antique insertion stitch in stranded or mercerised cotton. I used a machine feather stitch to join the squares together and decorated the shapes within the rhombus with a small heavy
machined cross stitch using variegated rayon.
I think this piece is neater than the previous one and particularly like the effect of the marbled fabric and shaded machine stitching.

I've enjoyed this chapter as it has been another excellent opportunity to try new techniques.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda, thank you for your comments on my blog. I really enjoyed looking at your beautiful work and look forward to following your progress.
